Creating and setting up an environment to use Copilot Studio
The first step is to create the environment.
Create an environment from the Power Platform admin center, this time selecting “United States” for the region.
*Currently, some features such as “dynamic chaining” are only available in the U.S. environment
Create an environment with the language, currency, etc. as they are in Japan.
When building in the “Japan” environment
When using Copilot Studio in an environment where the region is set to Japan, the generated AI functionality is not allowed by default.
So, go to the Power Platform admin center,
Go to the environment where you want to use Copilot Studio and select “Edit” under Generated AI Functions,
Agree to [Data transfer between regions], etc., and click [Save].
* Make sure you are sure you are okay with agreeing to this, as the data from using AOAI via Copilot will be sent to the US Region and so on.
If both of the generated AI functions are set to [Allow], you are ready to go.
In this case, we want to use “Generated Answers”, so we select “English” as the language.
* Web site input can be set up later, so leave it blank for now.
If you want to specify a solution, press “Edit Advanced Options” and select “Create” after specifying a solution.
* Uncheck “Lesson Topic” if you don’t need it, as it creates a sample flow for Copilot.
Animation displayed,
Copilot completed!
Generate responses from a web page
Generate responses from a web page.
Under “Overview,” in the “Add a website” section, enter the URL of the Web page you wish to refer to and select “Add a website.
* This time I used a coffee blog I run.
Then open the “Generated AI” tab and check that the website is registered,
Scroll down and make sure [Expand conversation scope with generative responses] is turned on.
* If it is still off, turn it on and click “Save” in the upper left corner.
When this setting is turned on, a topic [Conversational boosting] with a trigger of [On Unknown Intent] is created.
This system trigger is called “when an unfamiliar topic comes in.” Looking inside, the flow is to generate an answer using the Web page specified earlier as the data source when an unfamiliar topic comes in from the user.
Then register the web page and turn on “Expand the scope of conversation with generated answers,” and the function to create answers from web pages is complete!
Operation check
Before checking the operation, deactivate the topic [Fallback] that uses the same system trigger.
* Because of the possibility that our flow may move when an unfamiliar topic comes in.
Then [Multiple Topics Matched] will generate an error, so deactivate it as well (just to make sure it works).
Now you are ready to go.
Ask Copilot a question about coffee and it will generate an answer!
Pressing the link will take you to a web page with the information.
So the answer generation from the web page worked successfully, so next time we will let the SharePoint site generate the answers.