Power Apps Ultimate Guide to Power Apps Data Table: Features, Best Practices & Gallery Comparison Power Apps offers two main controls for displaying data lists: "Gallery" and "Data Table."In this article, I'll share my... 2023.08.19 Power Apps
Power Apps Power Apps Gallery scrollable both horizontally and vertically|Display vertical and horizontal scroll bars in Gallery I implemented this because it became necessary to scroll the gallery both horizontally and vertically.What we want to do... 2023.08.19 Power Apps
Power Apps Notes for delegation when using “Sort” and “SortByColumns”|Comparison between SPO and Dataverse Continuing from the last issue, I researched Sort and SortByColumns and delegation in detail.※Previous article here.Dele... 2023.04.19 Power Apps
Power Apps Power Apps “RemoveIf” and “UpdateIf” are NOT delegable function.|Recommend combined use with “With” or “Filter” function. I didn't know that "RemoveIf" and "UpdateIf" are not able to delegate to data source and got unexpected results, so here... 2023.02.02 Power Apps