Node “Go to step” is a feature that allows you to go to any node within a topic.
This feature can be used to achieve a loop in a conversation, which can be used for confirmation or feedback loops to the user.
Functions to be built as a sample
The “Meeting Setup” topic we built last time asked users who they wanted to set up a meeting with, and then proceeded immediately to the MTG setup (*Omitted the MTG setup itself, as it is a sample).
This time, after extracting information from the user’s input, “Are you sure you want to set up a meeting with these people?” confirmation will be tried to be realized.
set the results of the previous question as a condition.
Add “Go to Step” only when the user says “No”,
click on the first question (Who do you want to set up a meeting with?),
set up to start over from the first question.
The construction is now complete.
Check the operation of the topic
When you request a meeting setup and enter the person’s name, “Yes” and “No” will appear,
we can go back to the first question again.
This “move to procedure” could be used to realize loop processing and goto statements, as well as “human in the loop” and “feedback loops” for autonomous agents.
Note, however, that overuse can make the source difficult to read.