Power Automate Detailed study of the timing and intervals at which automatic triggers work|Polling trigger and Push trigger

Notes on the details of Power Automate’s triggers for automated flows.

Automation Triggers

Automated triggers are triggers that are triggered automatically, such as “When an email is received” or “When an item is create”.

In this issue, we looked in detail at the timing and interval of execution of automation triggers.

Polling and Push

There are two types of automation triggers: polling triggers and push triggers.

  • Polling triggers : Periodically checks to see if startup conditions are met, and if so, starts up.
  • Push triggers : Immediate activation when an event arrives from the target service.

Whether the trigger is a polling trigger or a push trigger can be checked by the presence of the property [Frequency of checking items].

For example, the trigger “When an item is created” in SharePoint Online is “Polling Trigger” because this [frequency to check the item] is displayed,
In contrast, Dataverse’s “When rows are added, modified, or deleted” trigger does not show this item, so it can be determined to be a “push trigger.

Thus, polling triggers or push triggers with similar functions are different.

*In the classic view, go to [preview code] and ask if [recurrence] is present. to check.

If [recurrence] is present, it is a polling trigger.

Polling trigger execution interval

The execution interval of the polling trigger depends on the “license” and the “specification of the trigger itself”.

For example, SharePoint Online triggers basically vary in frequency depending on the “license”.
I have a “Power Virtual Agents Viral Trial” license, so the flow runs every minute.
Typical licenses and frequencies are as follows.

  • Power Automate for Dynamics 365 : 1 分
  • Power Automate Per User Plan : 1 分
  • Power Automate Per App Plan : 1 分
  • Power Automate for Microsoft365 : 5 分
  • Power Automate Free : 15 分
*By the way, if you press [Ctrl + Alt + A] on the Power Automate browser, you can see the debugging information of your session, so you can see your license and frequency.

And for some triggers (especially those created by non-Microsoft), the interval of execution seems to vary depending on the specification of the trigger.

For example, Youtube triggers are at 1 minute intervals in Recurrence,
According to this reference, it is 900 seconds,
In practice, the execution conditions are checked every 5 minutes.

The only way to confirm the execution interval of these triggers would be to check them while testing.

Reference Site


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