
Power Apps

Power Apps ‘in’ Operator: Complete Guide from Basics to Advanced Usage (Including ‘exactin’ & Delegation)

Here's a detailed exploration of the "in" operator in Power Apps, which I recently researched thoroughly.The "in" Operat...
Power Apps

Relationship between the AddColumns function and delegation in Power Apps|DropColumns and ShowColumns also only allow the gallery to display up to 500 items.

When using AddColumns for the gallery, I had been feeling a slight discomfort for some time, so I did some research and ...
Power Apps

Getting the ‘item count’ of SharePoint lists with more than 2000 items in the Power Apps Canvas app.

Because of the ‘data row limit’ and the ‘delayed loading feature of the gallery’, it was difficult to get the number of ...
Power Apps

Power Apps Behavior when using the With function on the Items property of a gallery|Delegation is possible but not all items can be displayed

We investigated the behavior of the With function when used with the Items property (data source) of the Gallery in the ...
Power Apps

Power Apps Delegation and Row Limits Explained: Visual Guide to 500-2000 Record Limitations

I was struggling to fully grasp the relationship between delegation and data row limits (default 500 rows) in Power Apps...
Power Platform

Optimizing Power Apps: Advanced Filtering Techniques for Galleries with Multi-Select Combo Boxes and Solutions to Delegation Warnings

I was asked about how to filter galleries in a multiple selectable combo box, so I will note how to do that.PreparationU...
Power Apps

Notes for delegation when using “Sort” and “SortByColumns”|Comparison between SPO and Dataverse

Continuing from the last issue, I researched Sort and SortByColumns and delegation in detail.※Previous article here.Dele...
Power Apps

Power Apps “RemoveIf” and “UpdateIf” are NOT delegable function.|Recommend combined use with “With” or “Filter” function.

I didn't know that "RemoveIf" and "UpdateIf" are not able to delegate to data source and got unexpected results, so here...